Industrial stretch film, wrapping film
food PE, industrial paper core
and other products

General introduction

HCP Manufacturing - Trading Joint Stock Company is an enterprise specializing in manufacturing industrial products serving the packaging process in production, storage and transportation of goods.

About us


Country of operation


Total number of products




Customer service

Main product

HCP's main product categories: PE industrial stretch film, PE food wrap, protective paper clips - industrial paper core, PP straps, adhesive tape. Besides, household products for daily life are also produced and developed.

Products of HCP bring convenience and high efficiency. Product quality is a top priority.


HCP have experience working with many great partner
at home & abroad. Affirming product quality through export to major markets such as USA, Australia & Japan.

Why choose HCP

Products with high applicability

Enhance product quality

Fully meet the source of goods

Top service quality

HCP is an expert in manufacturing products for industrial packaging, transportation and storage. We offer a variety of types and ensure each product will be an optimal solution for customers.

HCP applies automation technology in production with modern equipment and machinery, ensuring each product achieves the highest possible accuracy and uniformity.

With a policy of constantly expanding investment and growing in scale, HCP commits that our goods will always meet customer needs.

HCP's team of consultants is constantly learning and updating new knowledge to ensure customers receive the most informed and effective advice.

News & Events

Do you know what are the characteristics of quality PE Wrapping Machine?

When wrapping goods by hand becomes difficult and encounters many obstacles...

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The secret of food wraps, which is the best wrap?

To preserve food fresher longer, avoid further insects...

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Should food wrap be used when there is still a refrigerator for storage?

As you know, the fruit and vegetable refrigerator will keep the food fresh...

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